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Java Developer Required @Wipro.

Java Developer Required @Wipro.

Experience :- 3-5 Years.

Location :- Bengaluru/Bangalore. 

Roles and Responsibilities:  

NMS- EMS, Enterprise Telecom Applications, Core Java, Core Java, Java - Database, JNDI, XML Skill & Job Requirements: - - >Core Java( L4) - Should be aware of the following concepts of Core Java. 1) Fundamental concepts ( JVM, Java environment, primitive types, references, pass by value, packages, imports, static import, JAR concepts, command line arguments, system properties, assignments, expressions, operators, exception handling) 2) Declarations, Initializations and Scoping3) Flow Control - Usage of for loop, switch, if, while, enhanced for;4) API Contents of String related classes, Object, Wrapper classes, Autoboxing, File Streams, Serialization, Dates, Numbers, Currency, Parsing, Tokenizing, Formatting5) Concurrency Concepts6) Object oriented concepts ( Class, Methods, Access specifiers, Inheritance, Abstract classes, Interfaces) , Inner Classes7) Collection Framework and Generics8) Assertions9) Enums, Variable Argument Lists10) Annotations11) Regular Expressions12) Reflection13) Networking ( URL, URI, Sockets, Datagrams) 14) JNI15) Java Logging Framework16) Internationalization. Additionally should have the awareneness of thefollowing concepts. 17) RMI18) XML( DOM and SAX) 19) Preferences API20) JDBC21) Java Security22) Java Beans23) Java Web Start24) Java Mail25) JNDI26) JMX27) Should be having good hands- on experience with at least one of the IDEslike Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder, JDeveloper, IntelliJ to build, debug anapplication. Should be having good hands- on experience with at least onestatic analysis tool like PMD, Findbugs, JTest. Should know to install, configure rules. Should be able to fix the errors reported through thestatic analyzer tool. Should be having good hands- on experience withat least one optimizer tool like JProbe, OptimizeIt. Should be havinggood hands- on experience with at least one profiling tool like JProfile. - - >Java - Database( L1) - Should be aware of the fundamentals and basics of Database such as Connectingto Database server, Driver Types, SQL commands, Basic PL/ SQL and JDBC overview, stored procedure basics. Should be familiar with database access tools likeTOAD, must be able to join 23 tables and get the resultset. Should understand - what is unit testing ( Screen testing, Class testing etc. what to use when) . Should understand transaction management - commit, rollback etc. , Should haveknowledge about 'Prepared' statements. - - >JNDI( L1) - Should understand Naming and directory concepts, LDAP and event packageoverview. Able to define classpath, setting up initial context, dealing withobjects, programming with attributes, Properties, Event Notifications, URLs andFederations. - - >XML( L1) - 1) Should be aware of fundamentals on XML, Comparison with HTML, simplecoding, XML Characteristics, Components, Validation, Parsers and Namespaces 2) Understanding of DTDs/ Schemas and able to validate/ comply the XML documentswith DTD/ Schema 3) Able to create/ write XML Schemas, Groups, Elements/ Attributes 4) Aware of any of the parser DOM/ SAX 5) Should be able touse XML IDEs like XML SPY, Stylus Studio 6) Should be able to developfunctionality/ application using the XML language. 7) Should understand - whatis unit testing ( Screen testing, Class testing etc. what to use when) - - >Core Java( L3) - Should be aware of the following concepts of Core Java. 1) Fundamental concepts ( JVM, Java environment, primitive types, references, pass by value, packages, imports, static import, JAR concepts, command line arguments, system properties, assignments, expressions, operators, exception handling) 2) Declarations, Initializations and Scoping3) Flow Control - Usage of for loop, switch, if, while, enhanced for;4) API Contents of String related classes, Object, Wrapper classes, Autoboxing, File Streams, Serialization, Dates, Numbers, Currency, Parsing, Tokenizing, Formatting5) Concurrency Concepts6) Object oriented concepts

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