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Hot opening for .Net Developer at Wipro

Hot opening for .Net Developer at Wipro

Job Title :Net 20 Web Developer-L1

Job Code: 70492


Relevant Experience (Yrs): Freshers

Skills & Experience Required:

Skills: C#/ VB.NET - L1 , .NET Web Development - L1 ,
Experience Required(Description) : C / VB.NET - L1 - Should be aware of the following concepts of C . - Basic Programming Knowledge, Language keywords - Declarations, Initializations and Scoping - Data Structures, Control Structures, Collections like Hashtable, SortedList, Arrays, Indexers, Stacks, Queues, Dictionary - Assignments, Expressions, Operators - Basic GC concepts, Heap, Stack concepts - Formatted outputs for data structures like String, Date, number types, etc; - Implementing Basic OOAD concepts, Classes, Property, Method, Event, Interface, Multiple Inheritance, Structures - Access modifiers, scope and lifetime of a variable, object casting, type conversion utilities - Object creation and destruction, Finalize and Dispose, concepts of NULL, NULL objects, declaration and instantiation. - Flow Control - Basic Error Handling : Managing Errors, Propogating Errors, Error Handling in Events - Working knowledge in Visual Studio.NET IDE, Compile, Debug, Run an application, Project types, compiler flags. - RDBMS concepts and ADO.NET basics and ADO object model, read and write to database, ADO.NET data providers, - Creating NDOC, API Help, - Coding Standards, Naming conventions; access modifiers, readable v/s efficient coding - .NET Framework architecture, CLR, Runtime basics, .NET assemblies, MSIL concepts, Framework languages, Assemblies and Manifests - .NET 2.0 Concepts, Generics - Data Validation for data types - Tool based Unit Testing concepts - Basics of Threading - Error handling

Roles & Responsiblities:
Development - Responsible for development, support, maintenance and implementation of small to medium non-complex components of a project module. Works on problems of limited scope, through usage of standard programming concepts and principles. Works under high supervision/ guidance with frequent review of accomplished objectives. Requires theoretical knowledge of programming languages. Expected to learn on the job towards developing domain knowledge along with technical/ proprietary skills.


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